Integrity in Research

To have integrity is the foundation of professionalism and reputation. Integrity is defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Having a good reputation in any field of study especially research of a specific topic, it is of paramount importance to have a high level of integrity in all your work. Integrity plays an important role in research due to not only legal implication but also your standing among fellow peers.

Research replies heavily upon integrity due to the fact that data can be used in a misleading way and falsified to change the outcome of the research. This falsified data could then be used in other subsequent research and even if used honestly can render the efforts of the researcher invalid. Which hinders progress in the field of research.

Using another persons research and plagiaring their work as your own is a common problem in research which has devastating consequence for both parties involved which in turn does damage to the integrity of all research.

Also claiming fame or fortune upon this misleading or abused information would cause a great scandal within society and have the offender facing legal ramifications as well as discreditation and disgrace.

‘You are already of consequence in the world if you are known as person of strict integrity’ – Grenville Klesier

2 thoughts on “Integrity in Research

  1. Your piece is very well written and forced me to think more about plagiarism and what it involves. Throughout your piece you show a large amount of knowledge in research integrity and the effects of misleading information within research studies. Through this i am able to pick up your confidence within your writing.

    References are lacking throughout your piece. It is thoroughly important to have references as the reader will assume that this is your personal opinion. When you add references you will help the reader to realize that this is globally known and not just your personal opinion. Here is a link which may help to back up the knowledge you have shown above,

    Have a look through your grammar as there were one or two words which were incorrectly spelt.

    Over all this is a good piece, well done.

  2. Thank you for the interesting information that you have provided. You have definitely highlighted some important and valid points regarding misconduct that is performed by researchers while they are conducting a study. This is something that will ultimately lead to a decrease in the trustworthiness of literature as well as hinder the growth in that particular research field.

    After reading your post, I then found a wonderful article regarding “Misconduct in research: a descriptive survey of attitudes, perceptions and associated factors in a developing country”. This was a study conducted in Nigeria as there was a general perception that research misconduct was a common practise within the different institutions, they identify possible factors that may be contributing to this misconduct and the implications of this.

    Have you ever considered what the potential factors may be, that would cause such misconduct within an individual researcher or within a study? What practical steps or values could you put in place to ensure that your integrity in research is upheld?
    Overall, I think that it was a well written piece. However, I feel that it may have been more meaningful if you had linked it to literature and made a connection between how integrity within research has been applied within a clinical setting currently or within research assignments done during this course.

    Link to the article mentioned above:

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