Integrity in Research


Integrity in Clinical practice – Related to research

What is integrity? View this video on integrity:

In a recent clinical experience I had a patient who was diagnosed with pneumonia, his room was a side room where he was isolated from the other patients. During treatment he was non-compliant, he did not speak and he seemed as if he was in a daze. Myself and another student placed him out in a chair and made him comfortable at the end of the session as that is the protocol at the hospital. After the session we went to tea and he was to be placed back in bed afterwards. After tea another student was instructed to put him back in bed however when I showed her where he was I decided to rather assist her as I knew how non-compliant he is. We went into the room and closed the door and when we stood by him I noticed he was staring at one place and also his body as straight as a plank as if he were slipping out of the chair for some time – and clearly deceased. I quickly took out my stethoscope and placed it over his heart but he had no pulse, i shook my head to my college and said he’s died. After calling the sister she rushed over and told me to help her cover him, cover his face I thought. At this point I helped her and she instructed me to take his legs and lift him into bed right after she quickly unrestrained him (we restrained him to the chair during our initial treatment), I did this and then she said we should cover him so that the Dr doesn’t see him dead in the chair. She also said how he was just calling them a few minutes ago (I don’t think they actually responded to his call)  Anyway, so i assisted her in covering him up and I had to help her “tuck him in” as if he had died peacefully and comfortably in bed, we also raised the bed rest for safety. It all seemed like we were covering something up and that something was not him like I was misled to believe initially. Afterwards I was reflecting on the situation and just felt as if it wasn’t ethically right what we did and that I helped her. I was at this back and forth argument with myself if it was right or wrong when my first instinct was that it was wrong.

After considering this specific experience, when this is related to my thesis research proposal I thought about a component of integrity in research namely: conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, a researchers professional judgment in conducting, evaluating, or reporting on research. It may affect, or be seen to affect, not only the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, but also the hiring of staff, sharing of results, choice of protocol, involvement of human subjects, and the use of statistical methods (Hub, 2018).

Below are examples of broad categories of conflict of interest:

  • Where the research is sponsored by a related body.
  • Where the researcher or a related body may benefit, directly or indirectly, from any inappropriate distribution of research results (including any delay in or restriction in publication of such results).
  • Where the researcher or a related body may benefit, directly or indirectly, from the use of University resources.
  • Where the researcher conducts a clinical trial which is sponsored by any person or organization with a significant interest in the results of the trial.
  • Where private significant personal or professional advantage are dependent on research outcomes (Hub, 2018).


Hub, S. (2018). Conflict of interest : Research ethics and integrity. Retrieved from


One thought on “Integrity in Research

  1. Hi Monique, thank you for sharing your clinical experience with us. It makes me think whether I would have been able to handle it differently. Although, given the setting it is probably unlikely that any student would feel comfortable acting any differently.

    I really like the contribution that the feature image has on your clinical experience. You used it in a great way to give the added effect, well done!

    A few suggestions on minor changes:
    1) “as if he were slipping” – change to was slipping
    2) “i shook my head” – change to I
    3) “so i assisted her” – change to I
    4) “a researchers professional judgement” – change to researcher’s: show possession rather than plural

    Have you considered removing “or have the appearance of compromising” and “or be seen to affect” as using “may” already implies that it does or does not compromise or affect?

    Where you mention your thesis research proposal, I think a short sentence explaining your proposal will make it easier for the reader to understand the connection between that and the experience you described.

    Another note, I would like to suggest a small paragraph where you show the reader what you think the connection is between your clinical experience and the section on conflict of interest, rather than allowing the reader to just base it on their interpretation.

    Other than that, your piece was well written and I liked that you included a video as your definition and used bullet points to break down the examples of conflict of interest. Overall, well done.

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