Integrity in Research (Kelly Smith 3557720)

During our 4th and final year of physiotherapy, we have to submit a proposal. The proposal needs to have a literature review based on the topic that we have chosen. The research for the literature determines if there is a gap and where the gap is for our research. So in doing so, we need to enough that we have integrity in the way we conduct our literature review.

In the book called, Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct, it states that the integrity of the individuals doing the research and the supporting institutions plays a large role on the confidence and support of society in the actual research. (2002) It furthers says that if researchers want the trust of the society in their research, ethical scientific conduct should be followed therefore creating a research environment that stands by high ethical standards. (National Research Council (US) and Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments, 2002)

From what i can interpret from the above, is if we as researchers already start with doing a literature review in our proposal with integrity and with high ethical standards, it will continue to show in our actual research. It can promote the trust that the society can have in our research based on how we respect other researcher’s work.

National Research Council (US) and Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Assessing Integrity in Research Environments (2002). Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); retrieved August 16, 2018 from


2 thoughts on “Integrity in Research (Kelly Smith 3557720)

  1. Dear Kelly, I like the idea of linking “Integrity of research,” to your own research proposal, however I found you did not explain this enough. Perhaps you could broaden your argument by explaining the challenges to maintain integrity of research within your own research proposal? For example what are the ways that you are going to make sure your proposal/ research maintains integrity and what are some of the influencing factors which could endanger this. If you are looking at a certain population group for your research how are you going to get them to partake in your research while upholding research integrity? I understand we should look at the integrity of the researchers themselves, so perhaps explain what some of the factors of yourself and your fellow researchers might struggle with in order to maintain integrity as well as the layout of the actual research itself.
    You seemed to have researched the integrity of research well, but your piece could improve by giving us some personal insight to how you are achieving integrity of research.

  2. Hi Kelly,
    I enjoyed that your writing piece was not long winded in nature and you rather got to the point you wanted to express.
    I do feel like your piece is very factual and lacks a sense of personality. I think by exploring how you’re going to apply your new knowledge of integrity in research will aid with the relatability and understanding of your piece.
    Just mind that your one sentence seems to be missing a word as it does not make sense – the line that reads – “So in doing so, we need to enough that we have integrity in the way we conduct our literature review.” Additionally, I do not think that you should start the sentence with “So” and rather remove it.
    You named a book on integrity but the title should have quotation marks – ‘Integrity in Scientific Research: Creating an Environment That Promotes Responsible Conduct’ while remaining in italics.
    Just look out for the small ‘ i ‘ instead of ‘I’ in the second last paragraph.
    Just minor errors.

    It made me think about the research proposal we are all submitting later this year and will make me review my proposal more closely to distiguish whether or not I would trust the work if I were to be an outsider to my research.

    I’d like to know what application of this new knowledge you’ve applied to your own work or will apply in the future.
    Perhaps another question to consider is, do you feel your current research proposal is trustworthy and why?

    Overall, a good, short and sweet piece. I just feel it needs to be a little more personalized.

    Thanks for sharing your work and good luck with the completion of ,what I hope to be, a research proposal with a high level of integrity.

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