According to National Institutes of Health Research (2013), research integrity is defined as utilizing honest and verifiable methods in proposing, performing, and evaluating research. It is also composed of the researcher adhering to research rules, regulations, guidelines, and following accepted professional codes and norms.

HONESTY: (“What is Research Integrity?”, 2018)
As a researcher you need to be truthful at all times, try and avoid altering data in order to favor or meet your self interests.
In most cases people do this in order for their hypothesis to be proven.

ACCURACY: (“What is Research Integrity?”, 2018)
It is vital that the data collected and presented is correct, and this could be easily be incorrect due to mere errors. Therefore it is important to avoid errors as this might impact the verifiability, validity, and authenticity of the research.

People participating in the research should given consent for participation and this could be either verbally or written down, but preferably written down due to legal matters for proving that they gave consent. The participants should be given assurance of confidentiality and that they are allowed to pull out from the research at any point of time.

In order to allow the data to speak for its self, ensure that you reference your work at all times, in order to avoid plagiarism.

My area of struggle in research is referencing and assessing the validity of the sources from which information is taken from. A question that stands out for me is, who gives consent during animal research?

What is Research Integrity?. (2018). Retrieved on August 16, 2018 from


  1. Hi Chulumanco

    I love the fact that you clearly explained most of the principle/concepts needed in research and thoroughly researched it. Mentioning what you struggle with made this piece more personal which I found made an attempt at linking how research has imapcted you.

    However, I do feel as though you haven’t really explained the importance of these concepts or related them to any country and the impact it might have on any profession if for example, false research is publicised. You do mention your area of struggle but there’s no elaboration or clear link to the piece written which I find vague. I would like to know that even though you care about animal research and these concepts within animal research, do you have any practical experience with animal research and how does animal research impact you as a human being firstly and secondly as a physical therapist student?

    I would’ve appreciated to see a clear link made and a clear stance on why you think these concepts are of importance in research. I have cited a journal article below that I believe you might find helpful with your writing. I trust that you will find my feedback helpful with your future writings. Once again, I found your writing piece well researched although vague.

    Jiang, F. (2017). Stance and voice in academic writing. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 22(1), 85-106. doi: 10.1075/ijcl.22.1.04jia.

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