Integrity in Ethics Michael Du Plessis 3555777


“The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.” (“the definition of integrity”, 2018) the actual need of integrity in a medical work setting is key to working and being value add in a professional setting. I personally see integrity as a subset to ethics in that ethics can be a term to describe a larger system of individuals interaction and how their different levels and adaptions of integrity create a final product; whilst integrity only deals with an individuals conduct and actions irrespective of how the environment reacts to these decisions and behaviors in reality. Integrity is a quality that is needed in professional settings across the board (politics,finance,architecture and so on) and thus ones integrity in the work place or professional career may influence the rate of growth and success that is experienced by an individual.

Integrity is what allows us to navigate the treacherous waters of dilemmas, and  while integrity cannot guarantee success, there can be no success without it (Solomon, 2003)

We live in  fast paced world currently that prefers prevention to cure; and understandably so in a medical sense and as a general one. In this context it means that we are often judged on  and before we are able to show our moral fiber and core integrity. But by what parameters?

By a mans fingernails, by his coat-sleeve, by his boots, by his trouser knees, by the calluses of his forefinger and thumb, by his expression, by his shirt cuffs, by his movements – by each of these things a man is plainly revealed.  That all united should fail to enlighten the competent enquirer in any case is almost inconceivable. Sherlock Holmes 1887

This in many ways says that very little of our communication as humans actually happens orally, we often forget about the body and physical aspect of our expression. As a physiotherapist I personally believe in the physical manifestations that link to ones expression.

It is a scientific fact that peoples gestures give away their true intentions, yet most of don’t know how our physical motions speak to others. (Allan and Barbara Pease 2006)

It is my belief that in order to be successful and be considered to go further in ones professional work place it is firstly important to express ones self in open and clear ways and then follow up their open presentation with actual ethical decisions that align with ones expression and presentation. It will also influence ones energy and actions in order to be more open in ones behaviors and decisions. If one adopts a body language that is indicative a particular emotion or method it is more likely for that person to act that way, naturally.


One thought on “Integrity in Ethics Michael Du Plessis 3555777

  1. I found your writing piece to be quite interesting and a good read. You looked at a personal view as to what integrity in ethics entails and that made it a more interesting and unique writing piece. I liked the quotes you added to your piece as it really emphasizes the different views and broadness of the topic itself.

    A suggestion would be to always read through your final piece to ensure that all the grammar is correct and make use of spell check. For example, in a few instances you did not add an apostrophe where necessary, such as with the use of individual’s or individuals’. Furthermore, some sentences were incomplete and did not make sense entirely. This is a simple mistake that happens too many, but just try to be more aware of it when writing other pieces in the future.

    You made use of in-text referencing with regards to the definition in the first sentence as well as with the quotes which is good; however further referencing was not evident. Always remember to include a reference list at the end, containing the full reference so that credit can be given to the various authors of the articles and other resources used.

    Furthermore, the rest of your information presented was your own personal beliefs and I feel the piece would have had more substance had to added what current literature says about the topic and then follow it with your similar or opposing beliefs. Lastly, your piece focused more on integrity in a professional working environment and I believe you strayed a little bit where research integrity is involved. Perhaps you could do some research into what integrity in research entails and the following concepts that are involved: With proposing, performing and reporting research; honesty and fairness are essential; In terms of representing contributions to research proposals and reports; accuracy and fairness are required; With regards to peer review; competency and fairness are essential; Collaboration is required for scientific interactions, resource sharing, communications; Transparency regarding conflicts of interest; Providing protection for the human subjects when conducting research is essential; Providing humane care of animals when conducting research is required; Respecting and adhering to the mutual responsibilities of mentors and trainees.

    Overall, I enjoyed your writing piece as it looked at integrity in ethics in a unique and interesting way.

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