Integrity in research

Scholars have different opinions on the standard definition of integrity in research. According to Khanyile et al (2006) “Research integrity is simply, justice and honesty in proposing, conducting, and reporting research or doing it right and telling the truth about what you did”. Research is conducted to provide evidence-based support which is ultimately meant to lead to advancement of that respective field. If falsified or fabricated research is published, not only does it negatively impact the author(s) of the research published but also the respective field they are in.

I support the above definition as it simply yet accurately describe what research integrity is. Research is conducted to inform the broader field about a new discovery that can create new innovation and thinking about certain practices within a particular filed. Accurate research also has a great influential impact on the public if the data appeal to them which places even more emphasis on the importance for the maintenance of the integrity in research as it could lead to harmful effects.

Research integrity has become more prevalent this year as we fourth year students are busy with our thesis proposal. This will be our first time working on research of this demand which is why guidelines for integrity in research is of outmost importance. Throughout data collection and publication one has to maintain an ethical standard of honesty and objectiveness especially when the research is not favorable as this will ensure that the integrity and ethics of research are upheld.


Integrity in research



2 thoughts on “Integrity in research

  1. Hello!
    I enjoyed reading your writing piece. I like that you mentioned that scholars have an incorrect or different understanding of what research integrity actually means and that you then provided the correct definition of research integrity.

    Furthermore, I am pleased with the fact that you provided evidence to your statement regarding that scholars have different opinions on research integrity.
    A suggestion would be to go through your piece before publishing as you have one spelling error in the second sentence of your second paragraph “filed” which is supposed to be field.

    Your writing piece reminds me that research integrity is still relevant as it applies to me a, fourth year student, now more than before, as thesis proposal is something all fourth year physiotherapy students are completing. And that transparency in research is of utmost importance as we need to present honest research as it influences ourselves, the field we studying in and the institution we from.
    Overall I liked the fact that it was concise and that I could learn from it.

  2. Hi Claudine.

    I liked that you have introduced the topic of Research Integrity . As a result, I have gained a brief understanding of the significance of maintaining the standards of the Integrity in Research. In addition, I liked that you have mentioned that failing to maintain a good level of integrity in Research may have “harmful” effects.I have come across a website that elaborates on and identifies examples of ways in which people fail to maintain Integrity in Research.I have attached the websites URL(1) below, perhaps you could use it as reference to highlight examples of misconduct in research. In addition, I would suggest that you elaborate on the “harmful” effects when examples like those are performed during research. The following headings within the website may be beneficial: Falsification of data, Plagiarism and fabrication.

    You made mention that research has become more prevalent this year; as a result of the research proposal that you are currently in the process of completing. Are there any ethical (in research) challenges that you and your research group have or are facing( for example during data collection or data analysis)? If so, perhaps you could share it on this platform and your readers could use as a reference should they ever experience something similar in the future.

    I hope that my suggestions and comments will be beneficial in enhancing your writing piece.


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