Chained to My Morals (Carla Lentz)

While studying physiotherapy and entering different hospital setting for clinical practice I have been exposed to many types of people with different background, cultures, beliefs and pasts. Personally it was interesting to see how my ethics and beliefs of what was right and wrong were often put to the test.

In the drawing that I have done with pencil and oil pastels it shows two people, potentially strangers. One is struggling up a hill and in a way represent our patient or client who is battling with an illness or injury. The other is standing tall and guiding the other up the hill. At the same time this second person who represents the physiotherapist or other health professional is carrying the weight of their morals on their back making it more difficult to help the person up. For me this drawing represents us being a beacon of hope in some way, as our patients rely on us to help them and put their trust in us (Çınar, 2013).

I have found through my experience that as health professionals we are required to treat and manage everyone to our best abilities because we have the knowledge and skills to do so. As professionals that is what is expected of us. We need to help our patients up their own personal hill while being empathetic of their situation and feelings. Empathy is the ability to truly understand and relate to the feeling of another person, and research has show that empathy is a core element in successful therapeutic partnership of patient and health professional (Wilkinson, 2017). We need to be seen as to human beings interacting and not a mechanic with their broken machine.

We all have views of what is right and wrong, and that defers from person to person depending on a number of factors such as our upbringing, values, cultures, religion or communities (Rasoal, 2017). Often we face a situation that we don’t particularly agree with, but it is our job and obligation to give our best under any circumstances. I, myself am guilty of putting in a little bit extra when it comes to children and the elderly, but on the other hand find it difficult to do the same with patients who I know have a history of violent crime and abuse, as my upbringing and morals go against any forms of hate towards another person. With these situations I feel a heavy weight on my shoulders and a hesitancy to give them everything I have, but at the same time don’t want to direct my personal feeling towards a complete stranger. I know what I signed up for when I chose physiotherapy as a future career and know that often I will need to push past those feelings.

In my experience so far I have found that once a patient is assigned to me I feel a sense of responsibility and know that if I let go they may fall back down their metaphorical hill. That’s why as a force of habit I hang on, even if my grip differs slightly for each person due to my values that are chained to me.


Çınar, F., & Eren, E. (2013). Innovative Approach to the Ethics in Health Care Organizations: Health Staff Perspective. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 99, 719-725.

Rasoal, D., Skovdahl, K., & Gifford, M. (2017). Clinical Ethics Support for Healthcare Personnel: An Integrative Literature Review. HEC forum, 313–346.

Wilkinson, H., & Whittington, R. (2017). Examining the relationship between burnout and empathy in healthcare professionals: A systematic review. Burnout Research, 18-29.

5 thoughts on “Chained to My Morals (Carla Lentz)

  1. Hi Carla,

    Thank you for sharing your writing and thoughts with us. Please see my guideline below and feedback following this.

    Content: Excellent
    Does the essay reflect the module content so far? Is it aligned with class discussion?

    Argument: Satisfactory
    Are claims made? Are the claims supported with evidence? Are reasons given for claims?

    References: Excellent
    Are they present? Correctly formatted?

    Writing: Satisfactory
    Is the writing grammatically correct? Are there spelling mistakes? Does the text flow logically?

    I, and I think many of our colleagues, can really relate to the art piece you created. I feel that your opening statement was good however, I noticed that the word ‘ethic’ in this sentence, “For me it was interesting to see how my ethic and beliefs of what was right and wrong were often put to the test”, just needs an ‘s’.
    Content- I feel that your content definitely addressed the module content and ethical discussions we had in class. Moreover, I really think the art piece has a strong correlation with the topic you decided to talk about.

    Argument- The description of your art piece you have created has been done very well. You have included arguments, but these can be justified more strongly either by referenced statements or the use of stronger words. For example, in the third paragraph, where you discuss why it is important to treat and manage all patients to the best of our abilities, despite what our morals say, perhaps you can find a reference that explains the importance of our professionalism and empathy towards our patients for the benefit of their management?

    References- Good referencing.

    Writing- In paragraphs 4, where you talk about putting in more effort with children and the elderly, perhaps use another phrase instead of “on the flip side”, as this takes away from your sentence. Furthermore, I think your conclusion is good in the sense that you acknowledge the internal struggle of your ethics and your morals and even though you cannot completely discard them, you work around it because it is still a priority for you to see your patients get better.

    Well done, Carla!

    1. Hi, thank you. I will definitely find some references to strengthen some of my statement and change some of my phrasing. I see now that certain phrases could be worded better.

  2. Dear Carla

    The art piece you have created really spoke to me. I could picture myself with a patient holding on to them, but still struggling with my personal morals as well. This picture and reflection makes me see how hard it is for health care professionals to have the same attitudes and beliefs as a patient they are treating.

    Please see the guidelines as for the feedback rubric below.

    Content: Excellent
    The content relates to the module content. Morals plays a big role n how each of us see ethics of clinical practice. You described your morals nicely and how they have played a role in your ethics toward your patients.

    Argument: Satisfactory
    There is claims made and they are supported with evidence. I will also include in the 3rd paragraph what empathy is and how that will help you to put your own morals and beliefs aside to help a patient. For example include the definition that empathy is to truly understand and share the feelings of another person, and reference that as well. When we as people understand the true meaning of empathy perhaps our treatment quality will change.

    References: Excellent
    Good referencing. Just add reference of empathy and how it will maybe have an influence on our morals.

    Writing: Excellent
    Good grammar. The text flows logically. I also really enjoyed the conclusion as you use words that relates to the picture metaphorically.

    Thank you for sharing this lovely piece of art with us that we all can relate to.

  3. Hi Carla,

    Thank you for sharing this. I believe this is something we have all faced this year, questioning whether what we originally thought was ‘right’ or wrong’ is in fact the case.

    The topic and content you chose to discuss is relevant and links up well with what was discussed in class. You have a very clear link, and well described link between your writing and your art piece. A suggestion could be to make your argument stronger is to find literature on how our morals affect treatment or holistic care of the patient.

    There is a logical and clear flow in your writing. Good academic writing that I cannot fault. The only change I would recommend is in the sentence in paragraph 1 , ‘For me it was interesting to see how my ethic and beliefs of what was right and wrong were often put to the test’ – Personally it was interesting to see how my ethical beliefs of what was right and wrong were often put to the test’ (this is only a suggestion)

    Your referencing is good, but you could add more to help strengthen your argument as previously mentioned.

    Well done, this is a very well written piece!

    1. Hi, thank you. I will look for some articles to strengthen my statements. I agree with the re-phrasing or wording of some of my sentences. Will definitely be changing a few things.

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