Ethics Assignment

Vuyolwethu Ndlabulala


Ethics 1st draft


This is a picture showing a crying mother because of struggles. This picture reminds me of a patient I had seen in General block. The was a 35-year-old female who was diagnosed with PTB and it was the 3rd time. My patient was a drug abuser, using heroine, dagga and sometimes tik according to her, when I asked for how long she had been doing it, she said it has been long since high school. She said she lived with her 2 brothers and 3 children who were still young. When I asked her about employment she cried because she said she was not employed and struggled to find work because she had to take care of her children and she did not have enough education to receive jobs.

Once she came down we were able to continue with our session and treatment, and she was eager to get treatment because she was thinking about her children and how she is not with them because she is hospitalised. On the following day when I got to the ward she had just received her lunch and was eating and so I waited for her to finish eating because she was my last patient. When she was done eating her juice had finished, and a patient next to her had a juice and she was asking for it, the patient then became irritated because she had been asking for her food for a long time. This was painful to witness because she had nothing and had not gotten visitors as well. The following day when she was to be discharged, she was feeling better and walking around the corridor, I saw her going in each ward and collecting sandwiches that the other patients had not eaten. This broke my hurt because I thought of how she was collecting all the food because she was thinking of her children back at home and was so excited to be going home. I had given education about the drug abuse, and she had promised to try to stop though she said it would be hard because her bothers smoked as well. We tend to treat patients as patients but not acknowledge that they are people as well, though she did drugs, it was important for me to educate her on the implications it had on her health.mother-and-baby-2-640x480

6 thoughts on “Ethics Assignment

  1. Hello Vuyo

    This is quite an emotional clinical experience you chose to reflect on, even the media piece shows raw emotions towards the child and herself. I think your media piece and clinical experience has a good link.
    While reading through your piece I found a few grammar errors, maybe just double check your sentences before posting your final draft.
    Your explanation of the emotional touching clinical experience is detailed but I couldn’t really find a connect from your word to the media piece, maybe describe how her PTB diagnosis for the third time, and other barriers affected her relationship with her children.
    Also remember to describe in details how this situation had a impact on you and how you where able to keep your feelings and actions ethically professional.
    If you want to, you can even add in a bit more back round, was this the only emotional case you worked with, is a mother and child bond very special to you, etc. Keep it short but detailed for the reader to follow your story more smoothly.

    Wiana Muller

  2. Hello Vuyo
    please find my feedback

    CONTENT: Satisfactory
    – Does the essay reflect the module content so far? to a certain extent it does, however I think you should’ve focused more on clinically linking this situation. the story is very emotional and poignant however you spent little time actually reflecting how this made you feel and all other implications involved.
    – Is it aligned with class discussion? The picture used and contex tof the story they impeccably match as it was discussed, the reflection and clinical link is the only part that is slightly lacking.

    ARGUMENT: satisfactory
    Are claims made? Are the claims supported with evidence? Are reasons given for claims?
    -You made an argument that “We tend to treat patients as patients and not acknolwegde that they are people”, I feel like you could have expanded this part by exploring on what instances do we do such and what are implications, this is where you could also add references to back up your claims.
    Are they present? Correctly formatted?
    – Once you choose to back up your argument, you wont have a problem with references.

    WRITING: satisfactory
    Is the writing grammatically correct? Are there spelling mistakes? Does the text flow logically?
    – I absolutely understands that what makes this case even more compelling is the background circumstances however I feel like you could’ve found a way to make us readers acknolwegde that this pateints circumstances were atrocious without going into every details, in essence try to summerize some information.

  3. Hi there Vuyo!

    A very emotional piece, I must say. I like your choice of art and how you conveyed the story across, however, you spent much of your words explaining what happened from day to day and not precisely expressing your feelings, how this made you feel and what you did after such feelings or how your ethics came handy. Maybe also try to focus more on creating or conveying the link between your experience and the media piece?

    Also, keep watch for grammar, as I was reading through I caught some errors, so careful with that on your final submission.

    Try to add references as you have nil. Referencing your work helps a lot with keeping arguments short and straight to the point.

    Overall, emotional and yet great piece.

    Thank you, all the best with your final submission!

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