Thank you for the off days (3469763)

ethics blog

Seeing a medical practitioner for a medical certificate is not that uncommon. Physiotherapists are first-line practitioners therefore we are allowed to issue medical certificates. Section 23 of the Basic Conditions of employment Act No 75 of 1997, as amended, is entitled “Proof  of incapacity”, and stipulates as follows: The medical certificate must be issued and signed by a medical practitioner or other person who is certified  to diagnose and treat patients and who is registered with a professional council established by an act of parliament. The sick certificate must be based on the expert opinion of the professional opinion of the medical practitioner and state that the patient was unable to perform his or her normal duties because of injury or illness.

The medical practitioner in the picture does not only issue a certificate of medical attendance, but rather a certificate for backdated sick leave. If the medical professional does not state that a patient is unable to perform his or her normal duties, the certificate is not valid. When the medical practitioner diagnose something that would have shown earlier symptoms and the medical professional can say in his expert opinion that the patient was unable to perform his or her normal duties, due to injury or illness.

During my clinical practice experience at Swartland Hospital when issuing medical certificates to patients, my clinician had to sign the certificate as well. I had multiple patient who asked me for a medical certificate, most of them only wanted a certificate of attendance but some asked for backdated certificates for sick leave. I never issued any backdated or sick leave medical certificates, as on examination I found that patients injury is not preventing them to do what they normally do and I found it unethical to issue a medical certificate to please patients. I feel that issuing medical certificates to patients who do not need time off work is unethical as I know many students and working people who go to medical practitioners for a medical certificate. I feel that these medical practitioners are just in it for the money even though their patients are healthy. They tend to spend time with these patients, even though there are people who need them more.


Lemmer, Y. Verwey, H. (2018, March). Sick certificates: Challenges, law, ethics and reality. SAMA INSIDER, p5-7.

One thought on “Thank you for the off days (3469763)

  1. Hi Robert

    There was no comment box under your work so I decided to upload my comments for you separate from your work.

    I enjoyed reading your reflection which was reinforced by the evidence you provided. I am sure as students we are all too familiar with with the concept of malingering as sometimes we can not cope with the workload and as a last resort seek a sick medical certificate to buy as just a little bit more time.

    The content in your writing clearly reflects the module content and you were able to establish links between your picture, module, and reflection, but perhaps you can express your views more on malingering and how you personally feel about it.

    You have made claims which are referenced in the first paragraph but also consider adding in-text referencing. I think you should also take a stane in your writing about why you believe it is unethical and provide the repercussions which are supported by evidence.

    The structure of your writing is well established with central ideas in each paragraph.

    a few grammar and spelling errors which I picked up:

    First paragraph 3rd line: “first line” should be written as “first-line”

    First paragraph 3rd line: Add a comma after “therefor” should be spelled “therefore”

    First paragraph 5th line: “emended” should be spelled as “amended”

    First paragraph 7th line: “ant other person” should be “and another person”

    second paragraph 5th line: “diagnose” should be “diagnosis”

    Second paragraph 8th line: “Hers” should be “her”

    3rd paragraph first line: “practise” should be “practice”

    3rd paragraph 3rd line: The word patient should be in plural form

    3rd paragraph 5th line: the word “certificate” is repeated

    3rd paragraph 8th line: “the” should be “them”.
    Overall your content was enjoyable just try to put a little bit more of your own voice in it.
    Good luck with your final draft.

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