Empathy towards an eighteen year old patient who attempted suicide after falling victim to rape.

An 18 year old girl was admitted to the medical ICU at a well-known hospital in Cape Town due to para-suicide on anti-psychotics which is her brother’s prescription medication, with the cause of this event currently being unknown. She was admitted to ICU as she required airway protection due to her decreased level of consciousness post para-suicide. After five days of medical and physiotherapy management, she was transferred from the ICU to the high care, and thereafter to the general ward before she was discharged home.

After much interest and concern driving her motivation to commit suicide at the age of eighteen, I made the decision to follow up on her as I developed a sympathy towards her. many would assume that my great interest in her event could be in line of being intrusive, but nobody would know that my real reason was being able to relate to her incident in some way, but not entirely. Many years ago, at the age of 13, I found myself in a rather disheartening and disappointing situation where my primary school crush had taken advantage of me in our classroom. To my understanding, he was informed of my feelings for him, even though I was well aware of his casanova ways. It triggered thoughts and emotions within me that made me question a lot of things regarding my worth as a woman, my overall existence, and many more. I was fortunate enough to have parents that were able to afford to send me to receive the necessary help. Ten years later, even after all the counselling that I had received, it remains something that creeps into my thoughts and triggers a state of depression.  After the social history which I was able to gather about this girl, I made the assumption that her mother (who is a single parent) would not be able to afford to send her to receive good psychological therapy from the public sector.

when she was transferred to the general ward, I tried to get some sort of feedback from her physiotherapist with any further updates on the girl that was in her medical folder. The social worker’s report provided a detailed documentation about how the girl had been raped by a boy in her class whom she has been attracted to and considered pursuing a romantic relationship with. Hence why I felt drawn to this girls current situation. In my personal opinion, I’ve felt that those that have studied how to assess and treat an individual’s mind after a traumatic event, don’t necessarily understand all the hidden emotions in an incident of this nature as we sometimes walk around with some feelings of being embarrassed and humiliated. Furthermore, my colleague mentioned that the report stated that this comes from a catholic home where the option and act of abortion is against their religious beliefs (Dr. Szelewa, 2016). Saddened by the fact that this eighteen year old woman attempted to commit suicide on the grounds of her family and friends in church that would be unaccepting of a teenage pregnancy, especially as the result of being raped, along with the various types and degrees of trauma which she has endured, fearing feeling humiliated in front of her class mates and lastly, not having the available finances to afford an illegal abortion which she considered as she would then be able to keep her situation a secret.

Induced abortions are common, and women who have them experience various types and degrees of stigma and literature states that this stigma has the potential to impair women’s and abortion care-providers’ well-being (Hanschmidt, 2016). There is a lot of controversy, more so lately, regarding the  act of abortion that although the mother has the right to decide what happens to her body, but who is the voice of the unborn baby who had not asked to the result of rape. Killing another individual who is a non-aggressor is referred to as immoral as it is another person which develops from a newly fertilized ovum, thereafter the pre-embryo, embryo, foetus, new born baby to a matured unambiguous person with morals and a sense of right from wrong (insert reference).
By following up on this situation, I did not have the intention of involving myself in her recovery process, but rather from an angle of concern for a girl whom I can relate to, but was unable to receive the necessary treatment. she is currently seeing her social worker and psychologist regularly to help her gain the necessary tools to overcome her emotions, she has also dropped out of school and is now a cashier at a well-known convenience store near to her home with hope to some day complete grade 12.

List of references

Dr. Szelewa, D. (2016, December 30). Killing ‘Unborn Children’? The Catholic Church and Abortion Law in Poland Since 1989. SAGE publications.

Hanschmidt, F. L.-H. (2016, March 31). Abortion Stigma: A Systematic Review: Perspectives On Sexual and Reproductive Health . Wiley Online Library, 48(4).

2 thoughts on “Empathy towards an eighteen year old patient who attempted suicide after falling victim to rape.

  1. hi Carla
    substance: Good
    i really enjoyed reading this piece. i may not relate in every sense, however, i do understand and empathise with both you and the girl. i believe you have made a substantial contribution to the topic. explaining how religion and/or society can subconcioulsy make you do things you never thought you would do.
    Reflection: Good
    this piece makes me believe that you are aware of the main issues being raised and you fully understand how they can affect us as people living in quite a judgmental time.
    engagement: Good
    i was fully engaged in the reading of the piece, you were respectful of the issue and you showed empathy
    writing style: Good
    i like the writing style, my only suggestion would be that start every sentence with a Capital letter. some sentences were started with small letters which can sometimes confuse the reader.
    references: good
    references were included and in correct format
    the post was completed however it was not completed on time, it seems it was posted a couple of days later
    information literacy:Poor
    there are no links to media in the post. i would suggest that you maybe include a picture just to grab the readers attention
    i really enjoyed reading this, im very sorry about your shared experience. it takes courage and a lot of strength to share such personal information with other people.

  2. Hi Carla

    Thank you for changing the settings on your post and sharing your writing piece. I’m sorry for what you and the patient had gone through. The patient’s story is really sad, as it shows that girls are not safe at schools. I somehow understand why you followed up on the patient and why you chose to write about it. I know how hearing that someone is going through something that you have experience before triggers something inside you and you become emotional. You then just want to make sure that the person is okay and just help them get through it. Unfortunately I have never treated a patient who tried to commit suicide or a patient who was rape, so I do not know how I would feel in these situations.

    You gave a good description of what happened. The topic of empathy, rape and abortion reflects the content covered in the ethics module. If you are going to focus on empathy then I suggest that you give the reader an idea of what empathy is in the opening paragraphs, because later on you talk about rape and abortion. The reader might then be confused about what topic you focusing on.

    You write about what you were feeling when you decided to follow up on the patient but not about whether you are for or against abortion when it comes to rape. You need to engage with the topic more and find evidence to support your claims. I also am confused about whether or not the patient is pregnant as you not state it clearly. Maybe look at literature on the effects of rape on teenagers, abortion laws and how medical professionals handle patients who had gone through everything your patient had gone through.

    Your title is very long, try and think of a title that will grab the readers attention and maybe add a picture relating to your topic.

    A few grammatical errors
    Paragraph 3, line 2: remove the “a” before sympathy. “many” should be “Many”.
    Paragraph 4, line 1: “when” should be “When”.

    I hope my suggestions help.
    Good luck with you final piece.
    Robert Bantham

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