
I have chosen a dance piece choreographed by Alvin Ailey, an American choreographer, in 1960. The name of the performance is “Revelations” which refers to one of the books found in the Bible. I will be focusing on the second part of the performance, a solo titled “I wanna be ready”. This signature masterpiece choreographed by Alvin Ailey pays tribute to and reflects on the cultural heritage of the African American, which Ailey considered one of America’s richest treasures. Ailey describes this cultural heritage as “Sometimes sorrowful, sometimes jubilant, but always hopeful”(Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater,  2008). Revelations is a personal reflection inspired by Aileys childhood memories of attending services at mount olive Baptist church. Revelations analyses the emotional spectrum of the human condition, from the deepest of grief to the holiest joy”(Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, 2008). I have thus found the second section of the performance most suitable for my reflection.

While watching the performance “I wanna be ready”, I reflected on one of my clinical experiences I had on my second block at KBH. I was given an elderly patient who suffered from dementia. At the time, I did not know anything about the disease, although I have heard the name before. Once I started working with the patient I realized that it was going to be quite a challenge. The patient could not answer simple questions or follow simple instructions. She would scream at me and use foul language as soon as I touched her. As the days went by, I became more and more frustrated because I could not get much done with the patient, due to her being extremely aggressive. I then decided that I was going to see her first thing every day and that I’d do the same treatment techniques without trying to progress, as I knew that it was impossible for me to get anything done with her. I also decided to rush through my sessions with her as I felt that my other patient’s deserved my time and effort more than she did. 

The dance is performed on a very dark stage with only one spotlight, forming a small circle around the dancer.. This darkness represents late afternoon and evening, which is when the symptoms of the dementia is at its worst. This is known as “sundown syndrome” (Physiopedia, 2019). It also represents my lack of knowledge on the disease as I was in the “darkness”, and my perception of the patient at the time. At the beginning of the dance, the dancer is performing floor movements and it seems as if he’s struggling to get himself up. As soon as he eventually gets his body up, he falls back down again. It’s almost as if there is a fight between the dancer and  something pulling him down. This made me think of the disease and the effect it had on the patient, the constant regression as if it’s pulling her down. It represents the fight between the patient’s physical body and the symptoms of her disease as well as the daily battle she is faced with. The disease now has full control over her mental and physical body, making her “weak” and vulnerable. All I could see when working with her was a “rude” old lady calling me nasty names, little did I know she had no control over her behavior. Eventually the dancer managed to get himself up again and was able to continue with the rest of the routine. At the end of the dance he is seen on the floor again. This represents how the patient’s mood ,behavior, and symptoms constantly fluctuate as a result of the disease. 

While reflecting I realized that I was not empathetic enough towards her and her disease. Instead, I painted a picture in my mind about her and I decided to treat her according to that picture, not according to how she deserved to be treated.


Revelations. (2008). Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Retrieved August 1, 2019, from

Sundowning. (2019). Physiopedia. Retrieved August 1, 2019, from


3 thoughts on “Revelations

  1. Hi Chelsea. Thank you for sharing your post with me. I loved reading your post; it was flowing, kept me intrigued, and had a good structure. The art and your reflection is related to each other. Your post is also very easy to read.
    However, here are a few points to consider when editing your post: have you considered checking an APA guideline on how to format your references correctly? Also, elaborate more on the ethical dillemma, in this case-empathy, by describing how you felt at the point of realization, etc…
    Otherwise, it is a really nice post and it definitely educated me in the process.

  2. Hi Chelsea. I enjoyed reading your post as you linked your video well in with your reflection. I enjoyed the way you used the different parts of the video to link it with your dilemma and the background information in the introduction. However, I think you can add a bit more of a reflection of the situation to your post and just correcting your references to an APA style.

  3. Hey Chelsea, I truly enjoyed reading you post it really took my imagination on a trip. I found it really smart of you to link your reflection with the various parts of the video, thus creating a visual imagery for the reader.I do however feel that you could have elaborated and made more emphasis with your ethical dilemma the same way you did with the description of the disease. I would also like to suggest that you just review your referencing guidelines. All in all i really enjoyed your post and look forward to you future content.

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