As Clinical students it is within our curriculum to work certain hours in order to be a ‘Qualified professional’ according to the government.

Dear Mr. whoever you are

Please can you leave me unscarred 

Emotionally and physically i want no damage 

Especially my spirit, don’t leave me in anguish 

The looks, your speech, the way you demand control 

Whether in a classroom or breaking into my home 

What happened to the pride, dignity, love and respect 

Where did it go? And how do we get it back? 

Men and women take your place 

So the next generation can live in a safe space. 

During clinical hours most of our fellow students are having lectures where they are free to follow the flow of the world around them. In recent activities the university DVC shutdown classes, lectures and work related activity due to the on-going Gender Based Violence protests. The email stated” The university of the western cape’s executive management has decided to suspend academic activities with immediate effect, considering the short notice, there will be certain activities such as clinical practice, that cannot be suspended. As health professionals we understand that we cannot put off the treatment of our patients/clients, however the ‘ short notice’ of fellow students passing should not be a hindrance for students to partake in a worthy cause of protesting against Gender Based Violence.

During Clinical practice being exposed to inappropriate behaviour has sadly become the norm, brushing off the feeling of inappropriateness for the sake of professionalism. Addressing such issues with patients has also become part of most students routine and sadly has a huge effect of clinical professionals effectiveness. As a health care professional we are expected to treat all patients to the best of our abilities, however, this is difficult to do when your patient makes an inappropriate comment or ‘joke’

According to an article posted on in focus blog, it showed that violence against health care employees is a common act.75% of nearly 25,000 workplace assaults occur annually in healthcare settings, only 30% of nurses and 26% of emergency department physicians have reported incidents of violence, due to the fact that most healthcare professionals in the field consider it to be a normal part of the job. The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines workplace violence as, “Incidents where staff are abused, threatened, or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being, or health.”  (“WHO | Background”, 2019). WHO considers both physical and psychological harm, including attacks, verbal abuse, bullying, and both sexual and racial harassment, to be workplace violence (“WHO | Background”, 2019).
The government has taken initiatives to help protect employees in the healthcare field, but advocacy groups have stressed that more meaningful changes are needed (Wallace Stephens, 2019).  World Peace is something we all should aspire to ,given the state of our nation. It’s no use we continue to drive out darkness with darkness, this makes no logical sense. If we as a people cannot create the change starting within a faculty, workplace or government we will all be subjected to abuse whether explicit or implicit.


Central, C. (2019). South Africa’s shocking gender based violence statistics – Alberton Record. Retrieved 10 September 2019, from https://albertonrecord.co.za/225326/south-africas-shocking-gender-based-violence-statistics/
Wallace Stephens, W. (2019). Violence Against Healthcare Workers: A Rising Epidemic. Retrieved 12 September 2019, from https://www.ajmc.com/focus-of-the-week/violence-against-healthcare-workers-a-rising-epidemic
WHO | Background. (2019). Retrieved 12 September 2019, from https://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/violence/activities/workplace/background/en/

2 thoughts on “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

  1. Hello

    Thank you for the piece!

    Content – Relevant topic that was covered in class. You have literacy to explain around your topic but would be nice as well to include a few more points to back up your topic. I would like to know on how you felt with the situation and how you feel with inappropriate “joke.” What should have been done better? What needs to change? Who action need to be done to address the problem?

    Argument – It states that something needs to be done and change but it doesn’t feel that the text addresses these claims. Professionalism vs Morals or abuse to clinicians? Professionalism is stated clear but it is a bit unclear on what it is being contested(violence?). I think you would also need to back up the solutions with literacy but this is all opinions that may be followed or ignored 🙂

    Reference – Good references but a few more will back up the text would help a lot and picture linking with the piece and poem was great.

    Spelling/ grammer – I did not see any grammar mistake, as I am also bad with language but I believed the piece flowed well

    Time – The text feels a bit short but it is a great topic to expand on.

    Thank you for the piece and this is not negative in all means! Hope you enjoy your holiday!
    Sorry for late reply, the website service issues 🙁

  2. Hello Chandre. Thank you for sharing this interesting and relevant piece. Your piece is well written but I do have a few suggestions which may help enhance your piece.

    * Capitalise “i” (line 3 of poem)
    * Not sure what “DVC” means, maybe have the full term as the piece should cater for the general public
    * The email stated” The …(line 3 para1)
    – Add open inverted commas at beginning of quote and closed inverted commas at the end before the full stop
    – Capitalise university of the western cape (throughout piece)
    * During Clinical –> During clinical (para 2 line 1)
    * 25,000 workplace assaults occur annually in healthcare settings, only 30% of nurses and 26% of … (last para line 2)- the sentence is long. Perhaps you could divide it at the comma.

    * Link your piece to some of the ethical topics we have covered in class (and don’t forget to add your tags of the topics you use in literature. I see you have added some already), and back it up with references. This would also help strengthen your argument.

    You may use these comments to your discretion and where you see fit.

    This piece is well written. Good references and great visual aid and poem. Well done and goodluck.

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