
The following ten topics form the basic outline of the course you will be following in your own institution. While some of the information may differ, it is important to note that it is not unusual to find a slight variation in the understanding of concepts with respect to the research process. When in doubt, please discuss with your lecturers.

It is also important to note that the information on this website is only intended as a brief introduction to some of the most common concepts in each topic area. We have provided links to additional information and you are encouraged to follow those links and engage in additional self-directed learning. This is especially important in the context of your own research projects.

  1. What is research?
  2. Identifying the problem
  3. Reviewing the literature
  4. Research design
  5. Choosing the sample
  6. Collecting the data
  7. Analysing the data
  8. Establishing trust
  9. Ethics in research
  10. Writing the proposal
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