As you can see in this picture, the people in it are using the nature. We have learned throughout the schoolyears that physical activity, is good for our health. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1402378/) And in Norway we have a culture for doing a lot of the physical activity in the nature. Since I was a kid, every Sunday my parents dragged my ass out on a hiking trip. We used the nature to do physical activity, or just for the fun of experiencing the nature. To be able to do this, the nature has to be accessible for you. Therefore, it’s good that we have the public right of access or “allemannsretten” that gives all of the people in Norway, the right to use the nature that surrounds us. “The right to roam applies to open country, sometimes also known as “unfenced land”, which is a land that is not cultivated. In Norway, the term covers most shores, bogs, forests and mountains. Small islands of uncultivated land within cultivated land are not regarded as open country.” (visitnorway.com) You may think; “is this so special?”. Well in some countries like USA, if a person owns land, he or she have the right to exclude others from entering it. “Non-deadly force can be used to protect property that is in the defendant’s lawful possession if the force that the defendant uses reasonably appears to be necessary to prevent or terminate an unlawful intrusion onto, or interference with, that property” (Lawshelf.com)
You can use almost all of the nature in Norway, but as you see we have some limitations, like that you are not allowed to be on cultivated land or fenced land. This includes land “such as plowed fields with or without crops, meadows, pastures and gardens, as well as young plantations, building plots and industrial areas.” (visitnorway.com).. The most important is that if you use the nature, you have to be considerate and thoughtful. You can´t damage nature and other surroundings. The best rule is to leave the landscape as you would want to find it.
The best thing about nature is that its free of charge, you newer have to experience the same thing twice, and you get fresh air. But how can we implement this into the healthcare system in Norway. Well, we are already using fractions of it, there you have tour groups like “frisklivsentralen” and DNT (The Norwegian Trekking Association). They are offering guided tours and cabins that are located around in the nature of Norway. So we are starting to use the nature more for both physical activity and rehabilitation.
2 thoughts on “The right of public access in nature. Lied”
The staring of your assignment is good but as you get into its difficult to see the link to the healthcare system in Norway. An example of what you could say is maybe mention a few benefits of being physically active and how this might reduce the chances of being admitted to the hospital. And link that to how it could benefit the healthcare system. Try to elaborate on the healthcare system in Norwar to give your readers a good sense of the healthcare system in Norway.
The references you have are fine however you should add a few more to support any claims you make about the healthcare system in Norway. I am unable to view your second refernce, which is the one from the ncbi site, as it says page not found so just double check that all links are correct.
Writing and grammar
There are some gramatical errors so just proof read before submiting your final assignment and make sure that your writing style is formal throughout the assignment.
This is a good first attempt and I hope my feedback helps you in some way. All the best for the rest of this assignment as well as the rest of your studies
Leyya Jagot
Hi Sondre, I really like the way you look at the healthcare system as it is a very different approach. I also enjoyed how you included your personal experiences as it gives the reader a way to understand how Norway works and it gave me a different perspective of how a healthcare system can be. The further I read the harder it was to see the relevance of it with regards to the topic of the assignment, a suggestion would be to maybe add more information about using the healthcare system in nature then the actual nature part of the topic. In my opinion the use of informal language made the blog feel more personal and friend which by definition describes a blog. There were some grammatical and sentence structure errors but nothing that cannot be corrected. Your referencing was good. I hope this review helps you. Good luck with your assignment and further studies.