This picture is taken at a beach near my childhood home in Stavanger, it is called Vaulen beach. When I was younger my family and I spent a lot of time here, just like many other people. It is a social meeting point where you can meet neighbours and friends. We spent hours together and made a lot of nice memories. Being outside and in the nature has always had an important role in my life. I use the nature as a free-space from all the challenges life can offer. This is something that applies to many Norwegians.
I think it is important that everyone has the same opportunities and access to nature and that is why I chose this picture. In the picture you can se a ramp that makes it possible for people with wheelchairs or other challenges to access the water. In addition the beach is facilitated with a path around the whole beach that makes it possible to access other areas of the beach too. The photo shows how we can facilitate for disabled people and make sure that they have the same possibilities as everyone else.
In terms of physiotherapy and rehabilitation I think the picture represents how we can use nature as a part of the treatment. Nature has effects that can affect our health. According to a study from Denmark there are evidence for an association between health and health related quality of life and distance from home to nearest green space. In addition the study also confirms existence of an association between level of stress and use of green spaces, less stress was experienced with more visit to green spaces. (Stigsdotter, Ekholm, Schipperijn, Toftager, Kamper-Jørgensen & Randrup, 2010). I can envision that one might experience a lot of stress during a period of rehabilitation, and according to these results green spaces has the potential to help ease some of the burden.
According to another Danish study many Danes experience an involuntary exclusion from green spaces because of difficulties with access due to mobility loss among other reasons (Stigsdotter, Coraxon & Ekholm, 2018). This probably applies in more countries than just Denmark. This subject has developed attention in the politics in Norway. The government sent out a circular to all the municipalities, county municipalities and county governors in 1999. A central issue in the circular is “universal design”, it is an aim to ensure that “everybody is able to use the same physical solutions to as great extent as possible, in terms of buildings, outdoor areas and modes of transport. ” (Miljøverndepartementet,1999). In the circular the government addresses current legislation and national goals. They promote the interest of disabled people because this will ensure better accessibility for everybody.
In the future I hope that the possibilities for disabled people are equivalent with the opportunities the majority have to access nature. Universal design can give disabled the ability to participate in more activities and social settings. The nature has good effect on mental health and I think it can be an important addition in rehabilitation for many people.
Miljøverndepartementet. (29/12/1999) T-5/99E Accessibility for all. Obtained from: https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumenter/T-599E-Accessibility-for-all/id108439/
Stigsdotter, U. K., Corazon, S. S., & Ekholm, O. (2018). A nationwide Danish survey on the use of green spaces by people with mobility disabilities. Scandinavian journal of public health, 46(6), 597-605.
Stigsdotter, U. K., Ekholm, O., Schipperijn, J., Toftager, M., Kamper-Jørgensen, F., & Randrup, T. B. (2010). Health promoting outdoor environments-Associations between green space, and health, health-related quality of life and stress based on a Danish national representative survey. Scandinavian journal of public health, 38(4), 411-417.
One thought on “Access for everyone”
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