This picture is taken at Sørenga Sea Bath. Sørenga is a place by the harbor promenade in Oslo, and it is basically a floating park of wood where you have access to an open sea water swimming pool, diving towers and even a handicap swimming pool. Nearby you can find a lot of excellent restaurants and cafés – everything with a beautiful view of Oslofjorden/«the fjord of Oslo». This is a perfect place to hang out with friends and just have a good time!
The reason that I chose this picture of the handicap pool at Sørenga is because it shows that everyone has the access to the sea. Everything at Sørenga is well facilitated for all kind of users, also if you´re in need of a wheelchair. I really like the idea that everyone in the society can be included and participate in activities like sunbathing, swimming and other social gatherings like they can at this place.
Precisely because places like this gives everyone the opportunity to get included in fun and social activities, I think a lot of patients who needs rehabilitation gets a bit more positive mindset. As we know, the patient’s motivation is one of the most important part of rehabilitation (Normann, Sandvin & Thommesen, 2013, s. 63), and for example at Sørenga you can keep doing daily living activities at the same rate as everyone else, even though if you have disabilities.
As upcoming physiotherapists, places like this might can do our work in rehabilitation easier because water and swimming is a great opportunity for people with disabilities to move, but also because I think the joy of it will help them to think more positive and strengthen their motivation for further rehabilitation work (Homb, 2012).
Homb, K. (2012, 5thJune). Mosjon. Sourced from (2019, 2ndMay): https://svomming.no/forbundet/bredde-folkehelse/mosjon-2/
Normann, T., Sandvin, J. T., & Thommesen, H. (2013).Om rehabilitering. Helhetlig, koordinert og individuelt tilpasset (3. Utg).Oslo: Kommuneforlaget AS.
One thought on “Balswick, Linda “Sea access for everyone””
I liked how you used the picture of the ramp to emphasize how accessibility can help motivate disabled people, and also helping them to feel a sense of inclusivity. Your perspective is rather interesting. I like how you used references to help strengthen your view, giving it credibility. Here in South Africa, many places aren’t as accessible as they should be, though there are ramps in place, they aren’t always safe for the disabled to use. I enjoyed learning something about Oslo. Your assignment is of adequate length, easily understandable and the picture you chose to use is appropriate. My only suggestion for improvement on your assignment would be to check the structure of your sentences carefully. Other than that, you have done a good job. Well done.