This photo is taken in Bærum, which is a small village outside of Oslo. The photo shows a playground for children which is located close to the neighbourhoods and nature. Playgrounds is a place where children can play and have fun with each other while being in physical activity outside. Play for children stimulates motoric learning and can make a positive association related to physical activity.
In Norway, one of the main goals linked to improve public health is to optimize the environment so it is facilitated for physical activity. Studies show that active children have less chance of becoming inactive as adults. The focus on good outdoor areas are therefor especially important at the kinder gardens and the schools. The kinder garden law §10 says that: “The physical surroundings in the kinder garden must have qualities which stimulates motoric learning through play and physical expression…) Outdoor areas must therefor be suitable, both in design and size, for varied play and expression in safe surroundings.”
The playgrounds in open for everyone. Physiotherapists who are working with children can use playgrounds as an area for motoric learning for children. Learning by playing are important for children and more motivating compared to doing exercises inside. The children will meet playgrounds in both the kinder garden and at schools. It can therefor be relevant to make them confident in these areas, so they can continue the play at the playgrounds in the kinder garden and at school.
One thought on “Outdoor areas for children”
I love the idea of using the playground to stimulate physical activity in children. I agree that this is more beneficial and exciting for children than to sit indoors and be taught meaningless exercises. I have never really given this idea much thought because we lack these sort of environments in South Africa. There are playgrounds but the safety of the environment is a concern. I think it would be great if hospitals would implement small playgrounds so that we could utilize them for those children who need it. I like how you explain that this type of environment is not necessarily only for children who are in need of physical therapy but that it is advantageous for all children in improving and encouraging physical activity.
I feel that your essay is logical and consistent. You make well thought out claims. Have you considered perhaps using an example of a case study to support your thoughts? There are some studies that look at how the playground can provide therapeutic effects for children with cystic fibrosis or spina bifida. I think that this could help to strengthen your essay. You can find some interesting studies as I mentioned through google scholar.
Your writing is easy to follow and grammatically correct. There are a few minor spelling mistakes that you should address but this is not a major concern. I think, more importantly, you should just check the formatting of your references and format it appropriately.
Besides the few pointers I made, I have no other comments. I like your overall idea and it has given me a perspective that I have not thought of previously. I think the addition of a supporting case study would be perfect.
I’m looking forward to reading your final draft!
Sabrina Mitchell