This picture reflects differences for children growing up with disabilities and other children. Children are playful and thus the playground is an arena for social interaction with peers. Playing with other children can also be seen as important for language development, motor development and life joy. The playground is also a platform where cultural differences, does not interfere with the social context, seeing that playing is a part of every culture and every child. When talking about the importance of children participating in this playful arena, it is clear that all children should have access to it. Therefore the playground is as much important for able children as the disabled. It is as important for the development and daily function for children with disabilities as those without. I have chosen to write about this picture because I mean it shows how facilitating for children with disabilities can provide them the opportunity to participate in activities with others, such as swinging at the playground.
As a physiotherapist it is important to encourage patients self-efficacy and motivation to believe in her or his own capabilities. In a rehabilitation context this means making the individual able to function as optimal and independent as possible in everyday activities. Being able to swing on your own at the playground with other children is an example of how the patient could experience sense of achievement and independence. It is also an example of how the rehabilitation process is comprehensive and should be varied. Lastly, it reflects how the rehabilitation process does not only consist in exercises and treatment at the clinic.
Norway is a welfare state, characterized by the federal and local government’s responsibilities for the welfare of all citizens in the country. Some of the main tasks of the welfare state are to ensure equal rights for all citizens considering standard of living, education and health care (samfunnskunnskap.no). Tax revenues, paid by inhabitants, mainly finance these services. These aspects of the welfare system have a strong connection to democratic principles. In other words, the welfare system of Norway is based on the democratic society.
Further on, equal distribution of these services reflects some of the main principles in the Norwegian law. For example we have a law prohibiting discrimination due to impaired functional capacity (Lovdata, 2018). This law has a purpose to ensure equality for all, regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age or functional abilities. Another purpose is to provide access, financial support or facilitation for people with disabilities. It is also necessary to mention that these opportunities and rights need to be provided at all arenas of the society. Facilitating a swing at the playground, or a wheelchair for daily use, are examples of facilitation for those with impaired functional capacity.
The picture represents an example of how the guidelines of law can be implemented in an everyday context. Surely we cannot conclude that inequality does not exist in society. There are still comprehensive measures and changes in attitudes that are needed to provide equality for people living with disabilities.
Lovdata. (January 1, 2018) Act relating to equality and a prohibition against discrimination. From https://lovdata.no/dokument/NLE/lov/2017-06-16-51#KAPITTEL_3
Samfunnskunnskap.no. Democracy and Welfare Society. From http://samfunnskunnskap.no/?page_id=420&lang=en
One thought on “Pettersen, Nora Amalie, “A right to play””
Overall, I would say this was very smartly done. Your picture clearly ties to your information you backed all of it up with evidence. A way you can improve your article is to fix the few grammatical errors you made (eg. “patients self-efficacy” [line 1, paragraph 2] should rather be “patients’ self-efficacy”) and change your wording a bit in places (eg. “life joy” [line 4, paragraph 1] to “enjoyment of life”). Apart from that, you were certainly thorough, your reasoning was good and your referencing correctly formatted.
Well done.