In a few years these bikes have appeared everywhere in Oslo. This picture represent a public health measures in Norway and it is measures you can see in many cities today. For “400 kroner” that is approximately 45 dollars, you can use these bikes all years long. You unlock your bikes with an app, and you can take your bike to school, work or if you just want to take a trip for exercice or to go sightsing. When you reach your destination you lock the bike where you are.
In Norway everyone have equal acess to health care that is financed through national and municipal taxes. Primary care and social care is in the responsibility of the municipalities, and often in coopertation with the county, the municipalities also decides on public health initiatives (The commonwealth fund).
It has been a lot of focus and used a lot of resourses on public health i Norway the last decades. That is very clear when we see the numbers of White papers written of the Government about these topics. The aim of Public Health measures is to prevent psychological and physiological diasese, protect against threats to people’s health and to contribute to well-being. Public health is relevant in rehabilitation as well, because secoundary prevention is about stoping further developing of disease and preventing it from comming back (Torstveit, Lohne-Seiler, Berntsen & Anderssen, 2018, s. 44).
In the White paper nr. 16 it’s written “the individual has a responsibility for their own health. But society can and should influence their choise by informing, imparting knowledge and influencing attitudes” (Helse og omsorgsdepartementet, 2002-2003, s. 6).
I think that these bikes, that are very available, is a good way for people to do something about their situation. Both if you don’t have any disease or injury for preventing, or if you have a disease like for example heart disease or doing rehabilitation after a bone fracture. We all know that exercise is very good therapy for a lot of different challenges. And likes it is written in White Paper 16, I think that physioterapist can influence patients to do exercise that can help their situation, for example by using these bikes. Physio’s can use the bikes in treatment, by taking a trip with their patients, they can inform about the positive effects of taking the bike to work instead of the car, and a lot of others examples.
In this assignment I have talk about how easy measures in the cities and small villages might do a difference for people’s health and for individual’s situations. In a society I think it is important to mention that this action can also do something for the environment. That is important for the earth, but it is actually important for individual’s as well in form of pollution that can be the cause of some diseases. The environmental topics have a huge focus today, and can be a reason for some people to choose the bikes. In these matters us physioterapist should be happy it is increasing the level of physical activity.
The commonwealth fund. Lindahl A. K. The Norwegian Health Care System. Hentet fra: https://international.commonwealthfund.org/countries/norway/
Torstveit M. K., Lohne-Seiler H., Berntsen S. &Anderssen S. A. (2018). Fysisk aktivitet og helse. Fra begrepsforståelse til implementering av kunnskap. (1. utg). Oslo: Cappelen Damm AS.
Helse ot omsorgsdepartementet. (2002-2003). Resept for et sunnere Norge. Folkehelsepolitikken. (St.meld. Nr.16 (2002-2003). Hentet fra: https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/069d160b7cf54b04a1a375515d01659a/no/pdfs/stm200220030016000dddpdfs.pdf
One thought on “Mari Fagerheim Tofte. Public Health measures”
Hi Mari.
This piece is well written and gives insight on a much broader aspect of general health care. I like the fact that you included the usage of these bicycles is a measure of lessening pollution, which shows that you thought about many aspects of patient healthcare and how they can influence our treatment plans.
I do however need to touch on the fact that there are a few grammatical errors, that could be corrected. Especially in the second paragraph. I would also like to know about more specifics in the Norwegian health system, and what you as healthcare professionals do in Norway that might be unique , or some challenges that Norwegians are faced with, with regards to physiotherapy specifically.
Overall it was an enjoyable piece to read and includes fundamentals with regards to patient healthcare, that can also be part of daily living , as illustrated by the bicycles. The essay is also a good and precise reference to the picture you have chosen.