This is at picture of the activity “The hunt of hidden posts” or in Norwegian “stolpejakten”. The Hunt for the Hidden Posts (Stolpejakten) is a physical activity that is offered in several municipalities throughout Norway. The activity includes finding posts that are placed in different areas, both in the forest and on the street. The aim is to find the hidden posts and register it either manually, or scan the QR code with a mobile phone. The hunt wishes to offer people of all ages an active day, including school children, seniors and disabled, regardless of their physical condition. This can also be a social activity for people to explore their nearby surroundings. There are four different levels which one could participate in, these are:
Green – simple and accessible for everyone. Also with a wheelchair
Blue – very simple
Red – medium
Black – difficult
This is a free offer for everyone. By participating, you will be given a map over the different municipalities, or you will find them on the Hidden Posts’ website. In many of the municipalities, the inhabitants will also be sent a map to their addresses. In my opinion, this is a great opportunity to get people of all ages and physical condition in activity. This will create a sense of accomplishment, and maybe inspire people to spend more time outside. This may contribute to people wanting to challenge themselves. Since people can use their mobile phones to scan the posts, it could therefore inspire teenagers to also participate in this activity. Furthermore, this activity could also work as a preventive measure against injuries.
In Norway there is a law to improve public health, this will also contribute to equalize social health differences. The law will promote great physical health, psychological health, wellbeing, environmental condition, and prevent injuries. Thus, it is significant with a long term and systematical health promotion. The law accounts for the municipalities, counties and governmental authorities in Norway. (Lovdata, 2019)
Today’s research suggests that interaction with nature can have a restorative effect on man, and this also suggests that exercise In nature can have a more restorative effect than exercise in an indoor hall. (Martinsen, 2016) Studies show that green exercise is often of a health-enhancing intensity, and it has been associated with additive psychological benefits over physical activity in other types of environments, including reduction of psychophysiological stress and enhanced mental health. (Elliot, Callogiuri 2017) This can be a great opportunity to get patients out in nature and give them the motivation to work out. If you have this Near the clinic you can also stay with the patient during the start phase when they doing it.

Martinsen, W, E (2016) Kropp og sinn (2.utg)
Calogiuri, G. Elliot, L. (2017) Why Do People Exercise in Natural Environments? Norwegian Adults’ Motives for Nature-, Gym-, and Sports-Based Exercise.
One thought on “Petter Grønstad, The Hunt for the Hidden Posts”
Hey Petter,
I think this post about “The Hunt for the Hidden Posts” is really good and well explained. I agree that this activity is a good platform to help patients get involved more with the community and their surroundings as well as with their community members. I especially like it because of how far this activity is spread to all the areas and that it is safe to do as well. This would be such a good activity to implement here in South Africa but unfortunately I wouldn’t recommend it here because I fear the safety of the patients and the members that will be roaming around. This text gave me the idea to use it as an example when I encourage my patients to participate in their community by explaining to them how they do it in Norway and to make them feel that they can still partake in certain activities themselves despite their disability or illness.
Structure: The structure of the text is good and easy to follow and understand. The format is set out good and flows in a chronological order. I feel that the text correlates appropriately with the picture you have taken. You have sufficient references and I like that its easy for me to access it.
Things to Add: I think you should explain maybe what Norway does to improve the public health systems each time. Also you could add activities or things that we as a physiotherapist could do with certain patients with regards to green exercises, just one or two examples of activities for different types of patients. Also maybe explain how this activity may prevent injuries?
Overall this assignment was really good! I really like this idea of “The Hunt for the Hidden Posts” its convenient and easy to participate in.
Thanks for the feedback on my post and I wish you well for your future studies too.
Kind regards