I chose to write a little bite about the measure of cycling to enhance public health in cities. The Norwegian health system try to influence the residents to make cycling more accessible and effective by building better bicycle trails and developing city bikes in big cities. In Oslo where I live this has been a mayor success and I really enjoy getting around with bicycle instead of public transportation or car. I find it faster and also more fun to get around. In the picture you can see a rack and path for bicycles in Oslo close to the castle where the king lives. Another health benefit if more people stop using cars is that the air in bigger cities would be cleaner.
It is important to take care of the sick, but it is also important to build a society that prevents diseases from developing and promoting health to the population. The Norwegian Directorate of Health recommend children and teenage up to the age of 18 year to do minimum 60 minutes daily activity of moderate to high intensity. For the older generation they recommend 150 minutes of moderat intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity (Helsedirektoratet, 2016). In a busy society with little time it is reasonable to combine minutes in activity with the logistic by cycling if possible. Swedish study shows that bicycle to work more then one kilometer each way is an effective measure to reduce risk factors for cardiovascular among middle-aged men and women. And another study done by Denmark shows that one hour of cycling each week has an effect on heart diseases.
Bicycle can not only give physical benefits like muscle strength and prevent heart and vascular diseases but also give life more joy by participate in activities like exploring places with friends and family. In a ICF-model (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) it is important to look at patients with a biopsyckosocial context. Some people with disabilities have difficulties in exploiting this measure and therefor it is essential for them to get aids to be able to participate in community. In Norway the government will reimbursed expenses up to 11 820 NOK for purchasing a tandem bike for people with movement disability, visually impaired and mentally retarded over 26 years of age. This financial aid together with better paths for bicycle will make it easier to be active and share experience with other. This is a great measure that most people either they are young or old or have a disability can benefit from.
Oslo council: https://www.oslo.kommune.no/gate-transport-og-parkering/sykkel/sykkelstrategier-og-dokumenter/#gref
Helsedirektoratet (2016): https://helsedirektoratet.no/folkehelse/fysisk-aktivitet/anbefalinger-fysisk-aktivitet
Anders Grøntved m.fl: Bicycling to Work and Primordial Prevention of Cardiovascular Risk: A Cohort Study Among Swedish Men and Women. Journal of the American Heart Association 2016, Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.116.004413 Sammendrag.
Kim Blond m.fl: Prospective Study of Bicycling and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Danish Men and Women. Circulation 2016, Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.116.024651 Sammendrag.
Torstveit M. K., Lohne-Seiler H., Berntsen S. &Anderssen S. A. (2018). Fysisk aktivitet og helse. Fra begrepsforståelse til implementering av kunnskap. (1. utg). Oslo: Cappelen Damm AS.
World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/classifications/icf/en/
Helsenorge (2019): https://helsenorge.no/hjelpemidler-og-medisinsk-utstyr/tandemsykkel
One thought on “Thunshelle, Halvor. “Spinn your way into the urbane future””
Hi Halvor!
I hope you’re well. Well done on a beautifully written task. Your content is relevant to your assignment and it is concise. Your town is very beautiful and clean from what I see in the picture. I would like to advise you on a few recommendations in order to improve your assignment.
1. The picture. The content refers to people rehabilitation but the picture does not correlate to the content. It would be suggested if you could use a picture of people in the town actually riding bicycles and socially interacting, which would relate to your content.
2. Your content makes reference to advantages of cycling in your town. Have you considered possible disadvantages?
3. You mentioned cycling assists with the prevention of heart disease but how would cycling benefit physiotherapy management?
I have noted a few spelling errors but other than that you write well.
Kind regards.