This is a photo of a bicycle rack, taken in the city of Oslo. The picture represents the popularity of the city bikes, which is a cheap offer to the citys inhabitants. For a very low price you can use these bikes all season. It is a great way to get from place to place, explore new places of the city, and not at least for being in physical activity. This is a great offer to the citys many students, tourists or to those who do not own their own bike. It is also a good example of a measure to increase the pysical activity in the population. According to this, city bikes can be seen as a health promoting and preventive measure.
In Norway everybody has equal acess to health care that is financed through national taxes. The public health work in Norway is increasingly based on «prevent more to treat less.» (Helse & omsorgsdepartementet, 2002-2003, p. 5) The health policy of Norway has as goal to facilitate healthy choices by informing and influence in a way that makes it easier for people to take healthy choices. As a student you pay more for a public transport ticket in one month, than you do to get acess to the bikes throughout the whole year. In that way, the city bikes can be a facilitation by the Government to promote physical acitivity.
From a rehabilitation point of view it is important to involve the user to the biggest possible extent. This means that the rehabilitation must be based on the individual persons condition and his or hers preferences. Sometimes it can be good to variate the environment for the treatment. Studies suggest that physical activity in the nature can have a restorative effect on human. (Martinsen, 2018) In these cases, the city bikes can be a good aid to participate in the treatment outdoor. If the patient enjoys biking, the city bikes can be an easily accessible offer to do so as a part of the treatment.
Helse og omsorgsdepartementet. (2002-2003) Resept for et sunnere Norge. Folkehelsepolitikken (St.meld, Nr.16 2002-2003)
Hentet fra: https://www.regjeringen.no/contentassets/069d160b7cf54b04a1a375515d01659a/no/pdfs/stm200220030016000dddpdfs.pdf
Martinsen, E.W (2018). Kropp og sinn: fysisk aktivitet, psykisk helse, kognitiv terapi. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget
Normann, T, Sandvin, J.T, Thommesen, H. (2009) Om rehabilitering. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget AS
One thought on “Vehus, Tiril, “City Bike- a Health promoting measure””
> I like how you have connected the cheapness and accessibility of city bikes to the accessibility and cheapness of health in Norway, however, your assignment does not touch on the patients’ point of view or perspective about the health system in Norway. Are the patients satisfied with the health system? Do they feel like there are some areas that need to be improved? These are some of the points that you may think of.
> Writing-wise, please check for spelling mistakes and grammar. I have noted some consistency in the use of citys instead of city’s.
> Make use of inverted commas for a quote instead of <>