This photo was taken in a mountain area in Norway at the starting point of different trails that lead into the forests and mountains. The photo is an example of what a patient can see when going hiking. The shed contains a map of the area and a box where you can find information about the landscape. The different trails are marked with a sign for every 0,5 km or 1 km. In this way, you can be in control of both the trails you follow on your hike, and the distance you go. For many people being active in nature is an important part of their lifestyle and these sheds help make the nature more accessable to the public.
These trails are called “Folkestier” or “Naturstier” that can be translated into public trails. You can find these trails both in many parts of Norway and in the rest of the world. The goal of the trails is to motivate people of all ages to be active and to have good health.
In the Norwegian health care system the government is responsible for providing health care to the population. An important stated goal from the government is equal access to health care regardless of age, race, gender, income or area of residence (1). One way of doing this is by making the community more available for its residents. Mountains and forests dominate the Norwegian landscape. By marking trails in the landscapes these parts of the country are made more accessible for the public.
The Norwegian law claim that the municipalities must promote good health (2). Encouraging the public to have good health by motivating them to live an active lifestyle is one way of doing this. In the process of improving the health of the public, the law also enhances that each individual is responsible for its own health (2). The government provides access, but it is each responsibility to make use of it.
- Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven. (1999). Lov om pasient- og brukerrettigheter (LOV-1999-07-02-63) Hentet fra https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/1999-07-02-63
- Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven. (2011). Lov om kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester m.m (LOV-2011-06-24-30) Hentet fra https://lovdata.no/dokument/NL/lov/2011-06-24-30
One thought on “Lande, Maia. “Good Health Available For All””
Hi Maia,
From what I have researched, Norway is one of the countries where many citizens find it highly important to be maintain a healthy lifestyle and from your piece, I liked that you’ve included that your municipalities make provision for citizens to remain healthy as this is not seen in many countries of the world.
Good job on
-Including your references.
-The piece is easy to understand and flows well.
-It is to the point.
-Having an interesting link between your healthcare system and the hiking shed picture.
I would like to know if you could include whether provisions are made for individuals who are not physically capable of maintaining a healthy lifestyle the way abled bodied people do, for example individuals in wheelchairs.
One last thing that I could suggest is to add one or two more examples of other kinds of activities there are to do for community members to maintain a healthy lifestyle for example there are many people in Norway that ride bikes to get around instead of using motor vehicles which is a positive for their health and the environment.
Overall, what I liked the most is that you focused on how patients can be responsible for their own health at their own pace and it includes a fun activity such as hiking that can be enjoyed with friends and family instead of the reliance on medication and medical procedures (which still remain important).
Great job, Maia!