My picture reflects how the health system in South Africa let the patients fall like the paint fall down this wall. I chose this picture because it is a definitive illustration of what is happening in our health system. Our patients have a lack of education regarding to self-care, sanitation and the use of certain medication. This picture reflects to the promise of medication and enough medical services such as, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, enough doctors and enough of the correct medication. The system also promises to give service to you in your language but that is so far from the truth and this is how our health system break their promises to the patient. The other services are also lacking for example there is only one physiotherapist per region which means that it is impossible to serve all the patients. Not being able to help patients in their languages can lead to miscommunications and then the patient might not understand his or her dosages of medication and it can worsen the case. Due to the lack of knowledge in our patients some does not even know when to go to a doctor or when they have been to a doctor they do not know how to proceed with their treatment and other patients that is slightly educated and they can read and have access to google and this lead to patients trying to cure themselves rather than sitting in a que without knowing if they will be helped soon. The health system of SA allows the patients to fall through the holes like these in the roof in my picture. Certain cases such as HIV in rural areas, those people sometimes have to travel far for medication.
The top five health issues in South Africa is breast and cervical cancer, HIV/aids, sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancies and infertility and the last one of the top five is maternal health (team, 2017). These issues are either cause by the lack of education of the patients in SA or patients not having access to the right medication. The infant mortality in SA (a developing country) is six time higher than the infant mortality of a developed country. Even though SA have modernized their health system in 2002 they still could not succeed in improving their services, especially those in the rural areas. South Africa invested a lot of money to improve the health system but it will take more than money to improve healthcare in rural areas. An average of 96km must be travelled by some HIV patients in SA to receive their medication because there is no place near that can provide the necessary care. (Sean, 2018)
Sean. (2018). Healthcare dilemma in South Africa. News 24.
team, T. d. (2017, August 25). the daily vox. Retrieved 29 April 2019 from Here Are The Top Five Health Issues Facing Women In South Africa: https://www.thedailyvox.co.za/here-are-the-top-five-health-issues-facing-women-in-south-africa-mohammed-jameel-abdulla/
One thought on “SA health system or health dilemma?”
Hi! I really like how you illustrate the patient’s point of view in your picture, and how it reflected in your text. I am sad to hear that they break promise to their patients and how the language problem lead to miscommunication. Also, I see the problem with lack of knowledge in the population and how that affects people’s health. This text makes me see the differences between Norwegian health care and SA health care. An example is that we have a system that takes really good care of everyone even if you live in rural areas or in the main cities. I would love to hear some more of the modernizing in your health care in 2002. What did they change? Can you give me more examples?
Your text is good and easy to follow, and I have no comment to your grammar or writing. I feel that your essay is catching my attention and it gives me an overall perspective of SA health system, and your refence fits well in the text. This has made me really see the different between our health systems.
Kind regard
Pia S. Borgen