Reflection part
As you can see in the picture that I used for this assignment . It is a hospital setting in the Western Cape where I reside. The picture is dark and what ca also be seen is that there is no-one else in the room. From this one can conclude that the patient is all alone in this dark room. This is how a patient feels while laying all alone in their hospital bed. The patient experiences loneliness and abandonment. This is not only by their family but also by the health care practitioners in South African hospitals. This is not due to the health care practitioners are out number and have to see many patients at once so they do not have time to see to all the patients and give them the proper healthcare. On the family side of things it is because once the patient becomes older they are seen as a burden to their families this leaving them alone in the hospitals which then becomes a mental thing as they have to cope with getting better and then having to face the fact that they have no family coming to check up on them. The health care professionals at most South African hospitals do not do regularly check ups as they cannot attend to all the patients as the ratio of health care practitioners to patients does not allow them to. Although being surrounding many other patients themselves even though they are surrounded by other patients they still feel alone because they do not get the love and support they need from the people they desire the most. So being in hospital is a tough time for them having to cope with all these factors mentally and being all alone so they have limited motivation to get better which plays an important role in recovering.
Although the room is dark and is empty dark there is still some light that is shining in the room bringing some light. This represents the fact that even though everything is dark and lonely the patient still has a positive mindset and has something to look out or forward to. This could be a love one looking out for them or waiting for them. A positive mindset is crucial to the patient in hospital and getting better.
Statistics show that 17 out of 100 people in South Africa have medical insurance(Pretorius, 2019). This means out of 100 South Africans just seventeen of them have access to private hospitals. This means more people must attend to what we know as government hospitals when they fall ill or get injured. This is hospitals which is provided by the government for people that cannot afford private hospitals(“Health | South African Government”, 2019).From this statistics we can see this will cause these government hospitals to be crowded and causing the medical health professionals not to be enough to treat all the patients to their full capability. This results in patients receiving the bare minimum care .In South Africa not all people are financially able to look after their elders(“South Africa Dependency ratios – Demographics”, 2019). So, to make things easier they put them in a shelter. Most of the times it is out of their will as they do not have any other option and to look after them as it would be very costly, and they cannot afford.
Pretorius, L. (2019). Does SA’s private healthcare sector only serve 16% of the population?. Retrieved from https://africacheck.org/reports/does-sas-private-healthcare-sector-only-provide-care-for-16-of-the-population/
South Africa Dependency ratios – Demographics. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.indexmundi.com/south_africa/dependency_ratios.html
Health | South African Government. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.gov.za/about-sa/health
One thought on “Where is the love?- Tristan Titus”
Hello, Tristan! Before I begin the feedback, I must say I can´t find your picture or the topic to the text.
Content: since you don’t have a picture or a topic, its difficult to say if they correlate. Anyhow, from what your text describes, its hard to imagine what the patients might feel in those situations. The abandonment must make the healing process a lot harder to manage.
Argument: It is easy to follow your point in the text, it was logically presented and in a logical structure.
References: You don’t have any references in the bottom, so the claims you make are hard to track back to a source. You should put these in.
Writing: There are some errors with mixed words, like private and public hospital. Look this over.