Keeping ourself healthy and staying in shape is a big thing in Norway. We know that staying in shape will increase our mental health and our physical health. It will keep us healthier longer and seen from an economic point of view it will be cheaper for the community because we can take care of ourselves longer. That exercise and health is connected is a well known fact in Norway. Its documented that exercise will increase your energy level, reduce stress, boost your confidence, better your self-awareness, increase life quality and much more(
Based on all of these factors exercise is often a part of a treatment you can get when you visit a physiotherapist. It’s therefore important that we as future physiotherapist know how people like to exercise. Because if people like what they are doing they are more likely to stick with it and make it a habit.
How people want to exercise is individual. Although, there is a trend that the youth in Norway choose to exercise in a gym and the elderly choose exercise outside. It is also shown that strength training is one of the most popular training method for the youth. In 1992 around 16% of the population in Norway trained at a gym. In 2010 trained 32% of the population in Norway at a gym ( Based on these number shows us that norwegians exercise more than they used to. This could be a result of the increasing knowledge of how important exercise and training are for the all over health.

One thought on “Gym culture in Norway”
Hi, I’m Dev and I’ll be reviewing your assignment.
First of all, the contrast between the tone of our assignments is rather shocking. Yours is very positive and mine very clearly reflects my attitude towards my country’s health system (if you haven’t guessed it’s pretty doom and gloom).
Your assignment is very well written, your grammar is clean and eloquent and to the point. I really like the way you incorporate a classic photo of a bar raise with the clear link between it and the assignment.
It’s really amazing how safe Norway is to exercise outside for older folk as in reality South Africa is very dangerous to exercise outside of a gym, ie hiking and such. Recently a surfer was mugged after his morning surf, hijacked and put in the boot/trunk of his car, they crashed the car and then the hijackers set it on fire with the man alive in the back. Sadly he passed away but luckily the hijackers were caught. This happened 5 kilometres from my town.
I would really like to hear what the hospital system is like in Norway in that side of your health system as an addition to your assignment.
I really like the way you are making holistic health such as exercise and the role of Physiotherapy highlighted in your assignment.
A really good assignment.
Goodluck with the rest of your Physiotherapy course!