Carlynn Groenewaldt

“There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.” Looking at this picture it is quite evident that this statement is relatively true, this however becomes questionable when you are admitted to hospital with no guarantee of reaching the end of this long and dark tunnel. The tunnel or corridor represents the South African health system and the light at the end of it represents life. It could also represent the existing expectations by patients and their families to get the best possible health care. Many patients are admitted to hospital which leaves them in the hands of the South African health system. This could either help them get to the other side where light is seen, or it could cause them to get lost in the very dark and long corridor. This long, dark corridor also represents death. Health practitioners try their best to save these patients, but the system fail these health practitioners and patients daily. On the other hand, these patients could only receive the best care by health practitioners who possess the necessary skills and experience, this then is a manner in which the health system fails. Many hospitals do not have the needed resources to fulfil the needs of the patients and to give them the care they deserve. Along with a lack of resources, the quality of care is not up to standard which could be detrimental to these patients. Facilities play a disadvantageous role in the south african health system. Nosocomial infections are occurring daily, and this is the worst-case scenario for South Africans because we want patients to get treated to return to their normal, healthy lives. Recently we, the second-year physiotherapy students, visited a Cheshire home in Cape Town. My group had the honour of speaking to a lady who has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis seven years ago. After being diagnosed with this condition, she received no rehabilitation from any physiotherapist. Her doctor never referred her to any health practitioner for rehabilitation. She only received medication to relief the pain in her joints. This is a simple example of how the health system in south Africa fails patients daily. All the above mentioned things are reasons as to why the health system fails South African citizens.
According to statistics South Africa, the total number of people living with HIV, increased from an approximately 4,25 million in 2002 to 7.52 million by 2018 (Health, 2019). So many patients are not educated about the importance of finishing their medication, consequently their disease such as tuberculosis becomes transmittable which would increase the quantity of people infected. This is a consequence to a lack of education from the health practitioner in charge. It is safe to say, that the quality of skill a health practitioner possess has a ripple effect on the health system of South Africa. On the contrary, South Africa boasts with the best health care in Africa (Healthcare in South Africa – Expat Guide to South Africa | Expatica, 2019), this however does not make it perfect. The health system has many weaknesses which could be rectified. In south Africa we have a large public sector and a small private sector. There are significant differences between these two sectors and therefor the quality of care is different. The best medical specialists are employed by the private sector and the funding differences enlarges the gap between these sectors. Therefor the quality of care in these sectors are different. The skills and subsidy gap in the South African healthcare system places a weight on the public system. There is understaffing and long waiting times which influences our health system. According to (Gray A, 2018), we have a huge need for health care practitioners with skills which are up to standard. The resolution for this problem would be to have standards in place to ensure that only skilled health care practitioners are allowed to work in the health system. Another issue is the quality of facilities such as hospitals and clinics(Breakfast, 2018). The previous Minister of health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has exposed the unattractive state of public health facilities in which a large amount of clinics and hospitals are operating below the standard. Health services are however not in crisis. Furthermore he also highlighted the improvement in the distribution of medication to TB and HIV patients.
It seems that even though our health system is not up to standard there are efforts made to improve our health system. The goal is ultimately to eliminate the issues mentioned above for overall improvement.
Gray A, V. Y. (2018). Health Review. South African Health Review 2018. Durban: Health Systems Trust; 2018.
Health. (2019, May 2). Retrieved from
Healthcare in South Africa – Expat Guide to South Africa | Expatica. (2019, March 28). Retrieved from Expat Guide to South Africa | Expatica:
Breakfast, S. (2018, June 6). publich health fail:Report reveals SA’s health facilities are in crisis. Retrieved from
One thought on “South African Health System-”
First and foremost, an overwhelming text that gives a good insight into their health system. I think you have written a text that reflects the image you have chosen. It is interesting to read about how patients are treated in hospitals and generally by the health system. Also very poignant to read about this woman with Rheumatoid Arthritis, who were not offered rehabilitation. In Norway, people with Rheumatoid Arhritis regularly goes to the physiotherapist and is offered a stay at rehabilitation centers. Interesting to read about your thoughts on what can make your health system better, and I would like to read more about this. Perhaps it could also be interesting to hear something about why or where the health system fails. Otherwise I have nothing to say about your grammar, because I think you are writing very well.