Hi there

I’m one of the UWC lecturers who will be coming to spend some time in Oslo as part of the exchange programme between our university and OsloMet. I thought I’d take a few minutes to introduce myself so that I’m not a complete stranger when we arrive next week.
I teach the Professional Ethics module in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year in the Physiotherapy programme and am also the Departmental Chairperson. Previously my research has tended to focus on physiotherapy education in general, and in particular, on how technology can mediate the teacher-learner relationship. More recently I’ve been interested in how artificial intelligence and machine learning is likely to change clinical practice, and thus physio education.
I’m the founder and co-host of the In Beta podcast on physiotherapy education, as well as the host of the SAAHE Conversations in HPE podcast where I discuss education research in the content of healthcare. I love podcasts because they give me a chance to think about physio education and research in very different ways.
I’m also the editor of a relatively new open access journal on physiotherapy education, called OpenPhysio. We’re not only using the journal to provide a channel for physio educators to share their research but also trying to explore innovations in academic publishing.
Personally, I like spending time on the mountain, beach and in the forest near to where I live. At the beginning of 2019 I started taking a photo a day and will keep doing this for the rest of the year.
I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone at OsloMet.