Hello, I’m Belle Isaacs and I am a second year physiotherapy student at The University of the Western Cape. If I should be honest, I chose physiotherapy because it was one of my older sister’s career choices however the more I researched the field, the more I began to really see myself in the field. Despite the ‘signs’ from the universe showing me that physio was the way, my mind still considered many other options along the way. However, today I can happily say that I could not have chosen a better career path. Throughout the past two years, I have learned that the field of physiotherapy is constantly growing and that way we never stop learning.
One thing’s for sure is that my mind goes blank whenever I have to tell someone about myself or like this, write an introductory post, nevertheless I will try. I am 20 years old and relatively short for my age, I am a active person but only enjoy working out when I have a work-out partner(which is seldom, and that says a lot!) . I am a hockey player and enjoy team sports more than individual sports because it does seem lonelier. I absolutely love being in the sun, spending time at the beach and despite the ocean water being extremely cold, what’s the point going to the beach if you aren’t going to swim as well? I am a big Game of Thrones fan and would really have liked the Mother of Dragons to end up as ruler. I am a fan of all types of music but plain instrumental music is what I enjoy the most and my favorite instrumental sounds are the saxophone, flute and violin. Last but not least, I have 2 older sisters and 2 wonderful parents, I love spending time with friends and family and believe that before any gathering all phones should be put away !
I am beyond excited to be a part of the student exchange and am looking forward to meeting fellow OsloMet students