Laeeqah Sujee is a fourth-year Physiotherapy student that excels in competitive sports. She engages in volleyball at the league and provincial level.
Below is her message:
I started playing at the age of 10, but I have been on a volleyball court for as long as I can remember.
While at school, I found a love for the sport and tried out for every team I could. I spent my entire school life doing athletics (100m, 200m, and Long Jump), swimming, playing soccer (Made provincial colours in 2009) playing netball and volleyball, which I carried over into my life as a university student. I have participated in many sports codes; this impacted my career path, Physiotherapy. However, I started with Sports Psychology and wanted to continue honours in bio-kinetics, but UWC offered a bursary to play for the UWC Netball team. And there, I decided to continue my studies as a Physiotherapy student.
I also joined the UWC SPORTS Council as the general secretary, where we try to do Sport at UWC, one of the best experiences of being a student-athlete.
When I am not a student-athlete, I enjoy spending as much time with my family. I enjoy cooking, baking and reading because they all help me to wind down and relax. I love trying out new recipes and making my family do taste tests.

Below are my achievements over the years: