Mr Han, an associated lecturer from the Physiotherapy department receives a T-shirt from the second-year students of 2022.
Mr Han had the following to say:
It was my first experience assisting a lecturer at a University. Adrenaline rushing, excitement, nervousness, pressure and anxiety rushed through my body before I opened the door to my designated class, 2022 second-years. The module that I was involved in was PHT245 Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics. I was involved in the hybrid teaching approach—pre-recorded lecturers with question and answer sessions after that.
I approached the teaching as student-centred, allowing students to engage and interact with the content in a safe and comfortable environment. As Physiotherapy is a hands-on profession, students enjoyed the learning sessions, which were practical related.
Mr Blake Boggenpoel was my mentor; he assisted me with advice and guidance and allowed me to develop my skills and grow as a new physiotherapist transitioning into a junior lecturer. In the last lecture, I announced that I would be stepping down, as my contract would end in 2022; with that, the students presented a heart-warming gift, a signed T-shirt from the second-year class of 2022. Being an educator is sometimes tricky, dealing with problems, students and their emotions. But in the end, the effort you put in is observed and taken to heart by the students; this is the most rewarding present I have received.
I thank Mr Boggenpoel and the Physiotherapy Department for allowing me this opportunity and, lastly, the students for giving me this special gift.
The department thanked Mr Han for his work, and clearly, the effort and support for the student were observed and appreciated by the students. We cannot be more proud of Mr Han for his contribution to the student’s career and learning. All the best to you and your career Mr Han.