Earlier this year, Dr Farhana Karachi completed her 2018 SAFRI Fellowship programme, when she presented her research poster during the March residential session. The title of Farhana’s project (which was aligned with her PhD research) is: Undergraduate physiotherapy student and ICU Clinical Educator perceptions of teaching and learning activities during the Intensive Care Unit clinical education block.
Farhana will also hopefully be presenting the findings from this study at the 2019 SAAHE conference, which is due to take place at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The conference theme is Challenge to Change Healthcare for 2030 and will run from 26-28 June 2019.
Farhana is the 7th member of staff from the Physiotherapy Department to participate in the SAFRI Fellowship, which says a lot about the commitment to the development of teaching and learning at UWC Physiotherapy. We are very proud of her achievement and wish her all the best for the conference presentation.